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Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, I am a 22-year-old who could be described as ambitious, hardworking, and a perfectionist. I enjoy being challenged with new tasks, as I believe discomfort allows one to grow and learn. I enjoy teamwork, but I am also capable of working on my own. I believe that communication is an important aspect of any relationship, especially professional ones, as it doesn’t leave any room for errors or misunderstandings. Therefore, I pride myself on being a skilled communicator. I am organised, goal-driven, and I find it very hard to set a task down once I have started. I may not have the most extroverted personality, but I do enjoy socialising with others in any setting. I recently graduated with a BA in English and Communication Science. While completing my degree, I worked as an editorial intern at Highbury Media, where I gained first-hand experience in editing, publishing, and social media management. I was also able to sharpen my writing skills, which came in handy as I went on to work as a freelance writer for ClubX Magazine for over a year. Even though I do not have years of experience behind me, I am, however, eager to learn. And a fresh mind is always a benefit. When it comes to my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, and painting. I am also currently learning Italian and intend on tackling many other foreign languages.

 Listings /  Africa

Academic Earth was launched on the premise that everyone deserves access to a world-class education. In 2009, they built the first collection of free online college courses from the world’s top universities. The world of open education has exploded since then, and today their curated lists of online courses are hand selected by staff to showcase the very best offerings by subject area. They also ensure there is something for everyone: whether you want to explore a new topic or advance in your current field, they bring the amazing world of academia to you for free. They are a comprehensive resource for current and prospective students, giving individuals the tools, they need to make informed decisions about their educational paths and careers. Whether students are looking for financial aid, comparing college programs, or exploring a school's accommodation for learners with disabilities, they offer free guides and school rankings that can help reduce the stress of an online college search. Editorial independence is their top priority. They provide these resources because they believe transparent information and data-driven content are powerful tools for accessing high-quality education. They carry out fact-finding for students, helping them identify schools that fit their ambitions, geographic location, and financial circumstances. Revenue is generated by advertising certain programs on behalf of schools that compensate them for student referrals. Always striving to be as transparent as possible when it comes to distinguishing between their advertisements and editorial content. Academic Earth partners with trusted educational institutions to produce sponsored content for the benefit of students. Any editorial content sponsored by a partner is written by staff writers and carefully reviewed to meet their editorial standards and best practices. Some of their featured universities are Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which is one of the foremost U.S. institutions in science and technology. It is comprised of five schools and one college, including the renowned School of Engineering and Sloan School of Management, offering Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degrees. One of the world's leading universities, Stanford was founded in 1885 in what is now Stanford, California. It is comprised of seven schools, four of which are devoted exclusively to graduate education. Stanford's most renowned programs include the Graduate School of Business, Law School, School of Engineering, and School of Medicine. UC Berkeley, founded in 1868 on the San Francisco Bay, is the flagship campus of the University of California and one of the world's most prestigious public universities. The university is divided into 14 schools and colleges, further separated into 130 academic departments offering degree programs from the undergraduate to doctoral level.

 Listings /  North America

Academya Lingue is a language school and a cultural center based in Bologna with the purpose of promoting the Italian language and culture through Italian language courses and extra-curricular activities (both recreational and cultural). The school – recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and by the Directorate General Emilia Romagna and also chosen by Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (BBS) as School of Languages in its International GLOBAL MBA Program and International Master Program- has a well established experience in the field of Italian language and culture teaching to foreign students of all ages and geographical origins. We are open to each and every student, regardless of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, language, culture, religion, sexual orientation, political opinions, personal and social conditions. We openly support and promote a culture of mutual respect and appreciation of differences, as in the typical great Italian tradition of cultural and linguistic diversity. Our Italian courses are entirely focused on the real needs of the students. The classes have a limited number of students, and the team of teachers – all native speakers – are continually trained and highly motivated, as to provide students with the best language learning experience in a typical Italian environment. Every week we organize interesting and engaging extracurricular activities so as to offer students a unique and memorable experience. Our Italian school has free wi–fi access, an internet point, free language resources, a kitchen and heating/air-conditioning in every classroom. We are located in the heart of the historic centre of Bologna, within the spectacular Piazza Santo Stefano also known as Piazza delle Sette Chiese – an elegant pedestrian area near the famous Two Towers, many museums, art galleries, shops, stores, coffee bars, restaurants and markets. The size of Bologna makes it an ideal place to study and fully immerse yourself in the Italian culture. It is also one of the most beautiful cities in Emilia-Romagna and in the entire Italian peninsula. Known throughout Italy and in the world as the Dotta for housing the oldest university in the world, the Grassa for its amazing culinary tradition and the Rossa for the colors and the warm reflections of its palaces and towers, Bologna is a very livable city that is not too touristic. As such, it is proud and able to offer the famous and incomparable “Italian lifestyle”. Academya Lingue è una scuola di lingue e un centro culturale con sede a Bologna con lo scopo di promuovere la lingua e la cultura italiana attraverso corsi di lingua italiana e attività extracurriculari (sia ricreative che culturali). La scuola – riconosciuta dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca e dalla Direzione Generale Emilia Romagna e scelta anche dall'Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (BBS) come Scuola di Lingue nel suo International GLOBAL MBA Program e International Master Program- ha una consolidata esperienza nel campo dell'insegnamento della lingua e della cultura italiana a studenti stranieri di ogni età e provenienza geografica. Siamo aperti a tutti gli studenti, indipendentemente da sesso, età, razza, etnia, lingua, cultura, religione, orientamento sessuale, opinioni politiche, condizioni personali e sociali. Sosteniamo e promuoviamo apertamente una cultura del rispetto reciproco e della valorizzazione delle differenze, come nella tipica grande tradizione italiana della diversità culturale e linguistica. I nostri corsi di italiano sono interamente focalizzati sulle reali esigenze degli studenti. Le classi hanno un numero limitato di studenti e il team di insegnanti – tutti madrelingua – è continuamente formato e altamente motivato, in modo da fornire agli studenti la migliore esperienza di apprendimento delle lingue in un tipico ambiente italiano. Ogni settimana organizziamo attività extracurriculari interessanti e coinvolgenti in modo da offrire agli studenti un'esperienza unica e memorabile. La nostra scuola di italiano dispone di connessione wi-fi gratuita, internet point, risorse linguistiche gratuite, cucina e riscaldamento/aria condizionata in ogni classe. Ci troviamo nel cuore del centro storico di Bologna, all'interno della spettacolare Piazza Santo Stefano conosciuta anche come Piazza delle Sette Chiese – un'elegante zona pedonale vicino alle famose Due Torri, molti musei, gallerie d'arte, negozi, negozi, bar, ristoranti e mercati. Le dimensioni di Bologna la rendono un luogo ideale per studiare e immergersi completamente nella cultura italiana. È anche una delle città più belle dell'Emilia-Romagna e dell'intera penisola italiana. Conosciuta in tutta Italia e nel mondo come la Dotta per aver ospitato l'università più antica del mondo, la Grassa per la sua sorprendente tradizione culinaria e la Rossa per i colori e i caldi riflessi dei suoi palazzi e torri, Bologna è una città molto vivibile che è non troppo turistico. In quanto tale, è orgogliosa e in grado di offrire il famoso e ineguagliabile “stile di vita italiano”.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

AIL Madrid is an Instituto Cervantes accredited Spanish language school. We provide high quality, affordable Spanish language courses. AIL Madrid is situated in the heart of the Spanish capital near Retiro park. We are committed to ensure your Spanish learning experience in Madrid is enjoyable and enriching. AIL Madrid will give you more friends than Facebook, more professional skills than LinkedIn, more family than you can count to embarrass you on holiday, and will make your heart explode from loving your life too much. AIL Madrid’s curriculum is designed by Spanish language rocket scientists and will launch your Spanish skills into outer space faster than Sputnik. AIL Madrid is Picasso’s greatest work in Madrid’s edgiest museum, the sound of a Flamenco guitar in a softly lit room, late nights at the bar with new friends, and only one question remains: are you ready for it? Though the academy actually began fifteen years ago, in the tiny living room of my Madrid city center flat, the beginning of the story dates back to when I first arrived in Madrid in the year 2000. My initial experience of the city was intoxicating; the language, the nightlife, and the vibrancy and history of the city itself. I fell in love with Madrid immediately, feeling a thrill every time I had the opportunity to introduce visitors to my new home, and knew Madrid would form a long term narrative in my life. After three years, during which I achieved a near perfect use of the Spanish language (my British accent remains and will forever accompany me!), I felt the pull to learn something new so, taking advantage of some holiday time, went to France to do a short intensive French course. While there, I met the director of a language school in Montpellier who gave me my first insight into an academy from the teaching and directing perspective. At that moment, a small seed was planted and slowly began to take root in my mind. Was this what I wanted to do? I loved learning languages, loved knowledgeable, enthusiastic teachers, and knew what it took to engage a student. AIL Madrid es una escuela de español acreditada por el Instituto Cervantes. Ofrecemos cursos de español asequibles y de alta calidad. AIL Madrid está situado en el corazón de la capital española, cerca del parque del Retiro. Estamos comprometidos a asegurar que su experiencia de aprendizaje de español en Madrid sea agradable y enriquecedora. AIL Madrid te dará más amigos que Facebook, más habilidades profesionales que LinkedIn, más familia de la que puedas contar para avergonzarte en vacaciones y hará que tu corazón explote de amar demasiado tu vida. El plan de estudios de AIL Madrid está diseñado por científicos espaciales de habla hispana y lanzará tus conocimientos de español al espacio exterior más rápido que el Sputnik. AIL Madrid es la mejor obra de Picasso en el museo más vanguardista de Madrid, el sonido de una guitarra flamenca en una habitación tenuemente iluminada, noches en el bar con nuevos amigos, y solo queda una pregunta: ¿estás preparado? Aunque la academia en realidad comenzó hace quince años, en la diminuta sala de estar de mi departamento en el centro de Madrid, el comienzo de la historia se remonta a cuando llegué por primera vez a Madrid en el año 2000. Mi experiencia inicial de la ciudad fue embriagadora; el idioma, la vida nocturna y la vitalidad e historia de la ciudad misma. Me enamoré de Madrid inmediatamente, sintiendo emoción cada vez que tenía la oportunidad de presentarles a los visitantes mi nuevo hogar, y sabía que Madrid formaría una narrativa a largo plazo en mi vida. Después de tres años, durante los cuales logré un manejo casi perfecto del idioma español (¡mi acento británico se mantiene y me acompañará por siempre!), sentí el impulso de aprender algo nuevo y, aprovechando unas vacaciones, me fui a Francia a hacer un breve curso intensivo de francés. Mientras estaba allí, conocí al director de una escuela de idiomas en Montpellier, quien me dio mi primera visión de una academia desde la perspectiva de la enseñanza y la dirección. En ese momento, una pequeña semilla fue plantada y lentamente comenzó a echar raíces en mi mente. ¿Era esto lo que quería hacer? Me encantaba aprender idiomas, me encantaban los profesores informados y entusiastas, y sabía lo que se necesitaba para involucrar a un estudiante.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

I am a God fearing individual, and I’m also a father to two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl. I worked for Tekkie Town as a Sales Assistant, and I was chosen as the best Sales person for the entire Mpumalanga province. I also worked for the Department of agriculture as a Data capture. I have a passion for sports, football is one of my favourites and one day I wish I can own a soccer team. While I was in high school, I always wanted to be a lawyer, but due to financial constraints, I could not become one. My interest in the justice system came when I realised that the late former president Mr Nelson Mandela was also a lawyer representing his people. I wish one day I could give back to my community and its people because my community gave us the likes of the late Steve Bantu Biko, one of the BCM Members who fought for the people of South Africa. My community is one of the underdeveloped communities of this country, but I know that one day all of this will change because I know that with education anything is possible. When a child is educated, communities will change for the better and if one community changes, then our country will change for the better as well and poverty will be no more. Education topped with one’s perseverance is the key to a bright future for all. With this pandemic people have lost their jobs and in some households you find that no one is working and people resort to drugs and alcohol, some get depressed to a point of taking their own lives. If we can start developing jobs for people, our continent would become a better place for us all. Being part of an initiative that supports the empowerment of those less privileged is one of my greatest wishes. I will be glad if all my wishes do come through because nothing is as important as education and hard work, and an educated country means a better world for us all.

 Listings /  Africa

I am Alonzo Van Aarde, born on 9th July 2002. I was raised in Cape Town, South Africa, I am the oldest son out of 6 children, Recently (last year 2020) I have matriculated in my hometown, Mitchell’s plain. I never quite had a fixed job, but I have had my fair share of holiday jobs in a shoe store, it was called first stop shoes in a shopping complex close to home. In my free time, I would work private jobs with my father and doing shop fitting and house renovations all over Cape Town. I loved helping my father out. It was also a way for me to have extra pocket money. I also worked at a Taylor blinds company, whereby the production of blinds called Taylor blinds in Montague gardens. I took part in various programs whilst at school, namely, in leadership development skills with a NPO called M.O.V.E and another called J.A.M, where I was taught to run my own business. This was done during my schooling, I have obtained certificates for these courses. These two courses were done over a period of 12 months, I was also an RCL members as well as a Prefect at my school. I am also part of a group called M.O.C (mission of Christ), where I furthered my leadership skills but in a more spiritual sense, in doing so we take part in outreach programs and preach the gospel. I speak fluently English and Afrikaans. I am currently studying Japanese, because I am intrigued by it. I am computer literate, Microsoft enabled as well as Linux. I am also a musician. In my spare time, I teach people to play an instrument and also to read music. I also write my own music as well as produce music. I use this skill to help many young and upcoming artists. I work with an Organization called My Child Is Your Child, Creating a platform where young people can showcase their talents and make something out of themselves. I live in a rough community where children are killing children and I’ve joined this organization to make a change in a community through various forms of art. My hobbies are, playing different sporting activities, going to the gym, writing music and drawing portraits.

 Listings /  Africa

Outside the sky over Genova, San Lorenzo Cathedral and the Torre Grimaldina. Inside, colourful and welcoming classrooms and specialized skilled teachers. This is Amalelingue, a small quality school which has been committed for years to supporting the study of the Italian and foreign languages. A stylish and elegant school, in the very heart of Genoa, an ideal starting point in order to discover the city. It is located in the liveliest part of the historic centre, in a pedestrian zone, within walking distance of the most interesting sites. If you want to improve your abilities or to learn a new language – Italian to foreigners, English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese, in group or individual courses – Amalelingue with its friendly and professional environment is the place to be. Our methods and optimal classroom size enable students to receive all due attention to reach their goals and attain a better command of the language in question. Amalelingue offers courses and programs reflecting different learner profiles, along with a range of cultural activities (cookery, sailing, photography, creative labs etc.) all run by professionals from their respective fields. Amalelingue is also a certified training centre serving the University for Foreigners of Siena; it specializes in training and in-service courses, as well as in seminars for teachers and in Ditals certification (Levels I and II) preparatory courses. Amalelingue is a small, quality school geared towards helping in the study of Italian and foreign languages for professional and educational purposes – or simply for love of languages. Amalelingue works with public and private institutions and schools for the implementation of teaching education and training programs. Italian culture and language courses to foreigners are also organized within projects promoted by the local public bodies (Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova e Comune di Genova). At Amalelingue you will find quality and a friendly environment with small classes ensuring closer contact with students and their needs, where we listen to each and every voice, nurturing, thus, the growth of friendship, a warm and welcoming atmosphere, in colourful and bright classrooms looking out onto the cathedral – a comfortable environment (air-conditioned!) conducive to easier and more inspiring learning. There are skilled and specialized teachers, adept at interacting with students of any age and with their families. For Amalelingue diversity is a value. Amalelingue is honest and trusted. Reliable. The founders of Amalelingue love, know and teach languages. Teachers are committed – boasting experience in mother tongue and foreign language teaching methods. The school holds the same in high regard to the benefit of the students.

 Listings /  North America

I board people’s family pets for prolonged stays, preferably to ease the stress of worrying about their pets in cages. I have been doing the boarding for almost a year now and have a repeat doggo whom I love very much and his month stay is always a blessing. I fostered puppies and cats for shelters and they’ve all been adopted, I rescued a Staffordshire terrier from an outreach with a friend and healed him from the horrible mange he had and he got adopted by someone who flew from JHB and drove back up and now he lives the king life he deserves.

 Listings /  Africa

I am a Zambian born, comes from a family of 8 and the youngest of the Mwila’s. My siblings always thought I was spoilt because I was the youngest, but I don’t think so! I was born in a town called Mufulira on the Copper belt side of Zambia in 1981,the Copper belt province is rich with mineral finds and Mines, hence the name. I am Married to Eric and we have a beautiful daughter called Chanda, she is 15 years. I completed my matric in 1999 and my mother advised me to study food production since I loved cooking, I did it for her though it was a course that I never dreamt of studying. I graduated successfully and worked for 2 years as a chef, got tired of cooking, I dodged that career and went into studying computers, worked as a receptionist and studied Human resources at the same time and obtained a diploma. I worked for a courier company as a Human Resources assistant. In 2012, I moved to South Africa, Cape Town when I got married, joined a Mobile Money company called Zoona with operations in Zambia, and I worked there for 5 years as a support agent. Zoona is an African Fintech company founded in 2009 with the vision of helping communities thrive. Since launching, it created over 2,500 jobs in Zambia and Malawi, empowered over 1,000 entrepreneurs to start their own business and allowed them to reach earnings of over $10 million. I enjoyed working for this company because we really helped girl child prevail. Apart from the above, I am a lover of interior designing, and my wish is to have one of the most successful Interior business one day, through my passion for interior, I designed my sister’s Kitchen area, how amazing!!! I love cooking and baking (especially Cake pops), they are my favorites!!! I love adventure, gardening and working out too, I am a gym freak. Most importantly, I love spending time with my loved ones. I reflect a varied personality, including ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also a well determined and vigorous individual, and yet calm. I encourage fighting for what you desire and believe in and doing it through God because nothing great comes easy. I believe mindfulness in the workplace is key to success. Having worked in Customer care I have gained extensive experience in; Empathy, Adaptability, Ability to Use Positive Language, Clear Communication Skills, Self-Control, Taking Responsibility and Patience.

 Listings /  Africa

Breakthru’s Learn-2-Earn feature helps students personally, professionally, and financially in just a few minutes a day. While a micro-payment from Breakthru certainly isn’t going to eliminate student debt entirely, it can cover a safe Uber ride from the library after studying late, a Netflix subscription to help decompress at the end of a long day, a toilet paper order from Amazon, or a Venti-Iced-Cappuccino once a week without buyers remourse. ‍Learn-2-Earn allows students to explore different career, volunteer, or financial opportunities while adding to their Breakthru wallets. Instead of having students pay to use resources, we are giving them unlimited opportunities to build and grow their net worth so that they can pay for college as well as fulfill other various personal needs. Students have multiple ways to earn while using the Breakthru app. One option students have is the Play-2-Earn feature, where students complete a Daily Opportunity by showing their interest in a few general opportunities. Then, students will be able to unlock our in-app spin-the-wheel game, where they can generate points and keep trying their hand at a scholarship bonus. Another way students can earn is by achieving Badges through discovering opportunity, and accessing future-enhancing information. ‍Learn-2-Earn helps students by giving them a chance to feel accomplished because they are earning on their own without having to look too far or high. The feeling you get when you’ve earned something also brings a lot of reassurance. With the launch of a new Learn-2-Earn feature, Breakthru announces a partnership with Forage, CollegeXpress, and Front Office Sports to help create equitable access to financial, education and career opportunities. ‍Breakthru Opportunities are created by companies students already know about, or haven’t met yet. Forage, CollegeXpress, and Front Office Sports recently launched their own Learn-2-Earns, providing engaging student opportunities filled with career-building, financial, and professional resources. ‍Students that show interest in listed opportunities are prompted to earn badges showing that they have interacted with a specific opportunity or that they have reached one of Breakthru’s in-app milestones. Students like earning badges to show their progress or achievements. Earning a badge tells a student that they have achieved a goal! It’s a boost of accomplishment that can help students feel good about themselves, while learning something new that can help them in the future (plus a micro-payment).

 Listings /  North America

CakeResume was established in 2016, with the intention of helping jobseekers to fully display their value. We create an accessible free resume/CV builder, for users to build highly-customized resumes. By freely drag and edit sections of images, videos and slides, CakeResume enables users to create unique & eye-catching resumes. Apart from 50+ professional templates and 500+ real resume examples from diverse industries, CakeResume also supports cross-platform sharing and resume PDF free download. Having a compelling resume is just like a piece of cake! To continuously assist jobseekers in pursuing their ideal career, CakeResume provides latest and quality jobs from renowned startups and enterprises. No matter you are looking for internships, opportunities of career change, part-time jobs or full-time jobs, you can find them all here! On CakeResume, we insist on revealing transparent salary information, and jobseekers can utilize various filters, including salary range, location, to find the most suitable jobs vacancies for them. CakeResume is committed to providing talents better career growths and opportunities! CakeResume not only tries to provide the best service to jobseekers, but also devotes to helping companies hire the right talent. With more than 500,000 resumes/CV in talent pool of various fields, including software engineers, designers, marketing talents, etc., CakeResume provides free job-posting service, recruitment of senior engineers (JobEspresso), and professional headhunting consultations. CakeResume is proud to help companies recruit quality talents in the most efficient and effective way!

 Listings /  Asia

Born and bred in beautiful Cape Town, mom to a long-awaited, witty, (inherited from me of course!), amazing, lively little 5-year-old girl, 2 dogs and 2 cats, 'my rescue children'. Married to Tomy, a senior digital content producer hailing from Tennenbronn, Germany. He is as introvert as I am extrovert – the scale balances beautifully. In my spare time (which is limited!) I sketch, paint, and try my hand at baking, while completing a mini-thesis in psychology. University after high school was not an option. I am also a seasoned HR professional, with a passion for people and process, building and maintaining great relationships form the foundation of both who I am, and what I do. And it’s a solid foundation. Hailing from the Pharmaceutical industry, I entered the world of investments about 14 years ago, where after joining as Office Manager, I moved into HR and have been in the HR sphere since. My journey has taken me on many a bumpy road, however, being a glass-half-full type, seasoned by an interesting childhood, and a solid determination to rise above, I march smilingly on. I have a passion for order, automation and software which could aid in optimization, easing transitions and processes. I am resilient with great sense of humour, always welcoming a challenge. I have a firm belief that building and nurturing relationships are paramount to success. I love meeting people and building relationships come naturally to me. I believe it’s the level of connection that counts. I am passionate about my work, I love what I do, and I do it well. I believe that doing what you love is a privilege. Yet, I still long for something more philanthropic in life. To give back, be it ever so small. Being an eternal optimist and peppered with life’s-experiences, I have been shaped into the person I am today. Pragmatic, passionate, and humble. An enormous amount of grit coupled a with good dose of grace! I am not done growing yet, not by a long shot, there are too many interesting, inspiring people to meet along the way, and there is always something to learn and something to contribute in life. It’s the journey that counts and I enjoy every step.

 Listings /  Africa

Taking our past into the future with Carolina Reviglio! Carolina enjoyed a carefree childhood in the Piedmont countryside. With many cousins and friends, the passion for culture was instilled from an early age. Surrounded by beauty and art in the family mansion Cimena, expertly curated by her grandmother namesake, Carolina. On the paternal side of the family, her Venetian grandmother was equally influential. The unique character and rich culture of Venice, epitomizes Carolina. While travelling often, she feels most at home, in the isles of Venice. Schooled in Italy and the United States, lived in provinces throughout the length of Italy, Carolina considers herself truly Italian, with an international vision. “My country is rich in heritage, but poor in the pocket to keep it so. It saddens me to see so many buildings in a state of disrepair.” She has honed the skills of renovation and interiors of historic buildings, since 1987. Learning by trial and error, spurned on by failure and ultimate success, Carolina has grown and prospered. Now is the time to give back. Helping artisans of all disciplines to find work and ply their trade with pride. Matching projects to professionals and vice versa. As Heritage Doyenne, Carolina’s primary contribution to this unique initiative, is to encourage the participation of Heritage Ambassadors. This cause is yet another open avenue, to take our past into the future. By intertwining culture and heritage, to create more synergy. “Only once we fully understand where we come from… and truly appreciate our heritage… can we imagine a fabulous future filled with the richness of our past. Life is ours to design!” ~ Carolina Reviglio.

 Members /  Greater Europe

The project Centro Studi Italiano Federico II was born from the business idea of a young professors group specialized in foreign languages and Italian as foreign language. Dedication, Involvement and Sharing are the keywords that accompany our mission every day. Our courses were build up every year and our Italian school became the best choice to study Italian in Catania. Our Italian language school has 5 classrooms, a multimedia room, Wi-Fi, library and a coffe break area, a place where to learn Italian in a relaxed atmosphere in Catania. Classes have a limited number of students (max. 8) to give us the possibility to pay particular attention to each student and their learning path. Classes are given in large, bright, air-conditioned and pleasant classrooms, where students will work in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. We are a few steps from the city centre of Catania, in Via Piave, close to Corso Italia, the shopping street of the city, rich of restaurants and bar where taste the traditional sicilian street food and breathe the sicilian atmosphere. Il progetto Centro Studi Italiano Federico II nasce dall'idea imprenditoriale di un gruppo di giovani docenti specializzati in lingue straniere e italiano come lingua straniera. Dedizione, Coinvolgimento e Condivisione sono le parole chiave che accompagnano ogni giorno la nostra missione. I nostri corsi venivano organizzati ogni anno e la nostra scuola di italiano è diventata la scelta migliore per studiare l'italiano a Catania. La nostra scuola di lingua italiana dispone di 5 aule, un'aula multimediale, wi-fi, biblioteca e un'area coffee break, un luogo dove imparare l'italiano in un'atmosfera rilassata a Catania. Le classi hanno un numero limitato di studenti (max. 8) per darci la possibilità di prestare particolare attenzione a ciascuno studente e al suo percorso di apprendimento. Le lezioni si tengono in aule ampie, luminose, climatizzate e piacevoli, dove gli studenti lavoreranno in un'atmosfera amichevole e rilassata. Siamo a pochi passi dal centro di Catania, in Via Piave, vicino a Corso Italia, la via dello shopping della città, ricca di ristoranti e bar dove assaporare lo street food tradizionale siciliano e respirare l'atmosfera siciliana.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Cervantes Escuela Internacional, with 35 years of experience in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, features high quality and interactive educational material. This, together with the effectiveness of their teaching methods and socio-cultural program, ensures an excellent cultural and language immersion program. Furthermore, we offer our students a personalized service in a pleasant atmosphere that will make your stay unforgettable. We have ICT classrooms equipped with personal computers, projectors, digital books, digital interactive whiteboards (PDI) and Wi-Fi. Our teachers are constantly upgrading their training with different courses, in order to offer the latest advances in new technologies applied to teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Learning a language goes beyond learning grammar and vocabulary; it’s also about knowing its speakers, its history, literature, idiosyncrasies, etc. In all our classes, the cultural component is included through different activities, games and presentations. Our teachers don’t just teach grammar, they also work with culture; an essential aspect, if one considers the richness and diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. From a pedagogical point of view, playing is learning. In our courses, the playful component together with pedagogical methodology helps us to create a good environment and facilitate the learning process. In a real communication situation, knowledge of a language is enabled through various channels. For this reason, and because we are paying attention to different styles of learning in class, the student has the opportunity to speak, hear, read and write in our courses about various topics from different areas and a variety of situations.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

I am a 28-year-old woman who is passionate about youth work in communities across South Africa. I have volunteered my time with NGO’s specifically tailored for the youth in Cape Town, Port Shepstone and East London. I believe that the youth are capable of great things in our country and the entire world, I take great pride in mentoring young girls to believe the above-mentioned statement and to push themselves to get to their goals. The concept of hard work is simply lost in the generation of instant gratification and I believe that every person needs to learn this, starting from a young age. I have dedicated my time to schools as a sports coach, tutor and during Holiday Clubs that teach children ages 12-18 about life skills and the potential that they have. I am family oriented and believe in working hard in all areas of my life. I think of myself as an intelligent and super energetic being, I love all things that make me laugh and I am a super fun person. I am a wife and mom who is devoted and loves her family very much. I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Theology and look forward to working towards a Master’s specializing in Pastoral Care/Social work. My skills range from retail, online teaching and proofreading and editing, and I put my all in what I do. I do not believe in taking shortcuts and giving up when the going gets tough, trying and trying again is an attitude that I have taken a liking to and I pour my all in every project that I am involved in. I am a firm believer in serving others and I do that with no motives, other than to be a memory in their lives that brought hope and a new determination. That is who I am and what I stand for, to be a part of something that makes others lives better and gives them the ability to believe in themselves.

 Listings /  Africa

Rome wasn't built in a day. I’m of a very friendly nature and love to be with people who aren’t selfish. I am ambitious and will do anything to achieve my aim - "The Universe applauds action, not thought"  I’m of a very adventurous nature and love to find good in everything I see. There are many things that make us depressed or upset, but that doesn’t mean that we stop living. You dust yourself off, honor the difficult times for the lesson it taught you, and walk away stronger and wiser. Independence and confidence were key in my life from a young age with venturing to the UK straight after school, and eventually ending up in Cape Town as my dream destination to live a happy balanced life where beautiful sunsets are part of your everyday life, and reminds you that dreams do come true. My professional life started as a labourer painting parks in the dire UK winter weather to an Insurance consultant for a huge corporate company. Getting to know me over time, it became clear that I adapt quickly and take pride in everything I do, as I strive to leave everything and everyone better than you found them. Covid-19 and the drastic changes that came with it has been the most challenging and rewarding time of my life. With a system that failed us all in so many ways, living a financially stable life is nearly impossible, but forced me to get grounded with nature and realize that the best things in life are truly free. My senses for nature, animals, and my overall humility enhanced drastically. We are all just reminded once again that nothing ever goes as planned and that losing everything including your mind might be necessary to make you realize what a strong, resilient, and galactic species we truly are. Realizing this, I am now more than ever ready to spread love and kindness whilst challenging myself with new adventures that push me out of my comfort zone. There is no other time than the present that truly matters. And in this moment, I am excited to change my reality and the lives of those around me.

 Listings /  Africa

I would consider myself a mix of both introverted and extroverted. I love being around and working with people, but I also enjoy my own company. I’m also very family orientated. Family is everything to me! My passions are a mix between working with/building fruitful relationships with people whether it be in the workplace or day to day life, I love helping people and bringing out the best of those around me. Outside of that, I also love doing anything to do with being outdoors. I’m always up for an adventure such as hiking, camping or even just a walk along the beach. I’m also passionate about and absolutely love animals. I’ve done horse-riding practically my entire life and it’s so therapeutic for me, to just get out into the country and get my mind off everything going on. I was born in Johannesburg, but lived the majority of my life in the beautiful mother city known as Cape Town. I’ve never got the chance to travel outside of South Africa, however it is something I have always wanted to do and I know I will accomplish in the future. In the meantime, there’s actually so many parts of my own country that I haven’t even experienced yet, so I’d love to start there. My work life has involved various industries, starting off with retail and moving on to the sales environment, both internal and external. I could say I had a certain plan for my life and career, but that all changed when I unexpectedly fell pregnant with my son. I then went from being an independent, carefree person to spending the last few months staying at home with my child. Which has honestly been life changing and I wouldn’t change a thing! However, it’s now time to get back into the working world and do everything in my power to give my son the life he deserves and one I wish I had growing up.

 Listings /  Africa

La Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias (Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències) de Valencia es un conjunto único dedicado a la divulgación científica y cultural, que está integrado por seis grandes elementos: el Hemisfèric, cine IMAX, 3D y proyecciones digitales; el Umbracle, mirador ajardinado y aparcamiento; el Museu de les Ciències, innovador centro de ciencia interactiva; el Oceanogràfic, el mayor acuario de Europa; el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, dedicado la programación operística, y el Ágora, que dota al complejo de un espacio multifuncional. A lo largo de un eje de casi dos kilómetros, en el antiguo cauce del río Turia, este complejo impulsado por la Generalitat Valenciana sorprende por su arquitectura y por su inmensa capacidad para divertir y estimular las mentes de sus visitantes que, recorriendo sus edificios, conocen diferentes aspectos relacionados con la ciencia, la tecnología, la naturaleza o el arte. El papel relevante de la arquitectura en la Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias de Valencia ha sido posible gracias al trabajo de dos arquitectos españoles de prestigio internacional, que han aportado aquí lo mejor de su obra: Santiago Calatrava, con el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, el Hemisfèric, el Museu de les Ciències, el Umbracle y el Àgora, y Félix Candela, con las singulares cubiertas de los edificios principales del Oceanogràfic. Un conjunto arquitectónico de excepcional belleza, que armoniza el continente con el contenido. Una ciudad donde conviven el mar y la luz del Mediterráneo de manera sorprendente. Se ha constituido como uno de los mayores focos de difusión cultural. En conjunto, las proyecciones digitales y las películas en gran formato en el Hemisfèric, las exposiciones interactivas en el Museu de les Ciencies Príncip Felipe y las exhibiciones bioeducativas del Oceanogràfic, conforman una gran oferta interrelacionada, que se complementa, con el único objetivo de satisfacer la curiosidad y las ganas de divertirse del visitante. La Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias une además la admirada tradición mediterránea del mar y la luz, de los colores azules y blancos, con una arquitectura vanguardista diseñada por Santiago Calatrava y Félix Candela. Sus audaces líneas identifican a la capital del Turia del siglo XXI; es la estampa futurista que simboliza a la nueva Valencia: una ciudad moderna dentro de la ciudad milenaria, donde millones de visitantes acuden cada año para disfrutar con la cultura, la naturaleza, el arte y la ciencia.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Class Central is a listing of online courses. They aggregate courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. They focus primarily on free (or free to audit) courses from universities, offered through massive open online course (MOOC) platforms. Whatever you are interested in learning, it is more than likely that their catalog includes a course that will meet your needs. Through Class Central, you can find courses; review courses you’ve taken (and read other people’s reviews); follow universities, subjects and courses to receive personalized updates; and also plan and track your learning. Class Central is a remote company with no physical offices. Their team consists of learners whose lives have been impacted by online education. Between them, they have done almost 300 online courses and 3 online degrees (including one self-directed degree equivalent). If their names look familiar, it may be because you have read articles we have written, or even because one of them has been a mentor in a course you took. Their goal is to make online education work for everyone, so they’re constantly working on new features. If you have an idea for how to make Class Central more useful, please let them know. They are in the business of educating people about education. In addition to their course listing, they also keep tabs on the overall state of MOOCs and online learning. Class Central's Report features analysis and reporting that looks across the landscape of online learning. They especially like to uncover overlooked stories and ascertain trends that others haven’t yet reported.

 Listings /  WorldWide

Code First Girls has become the largest provider of free coding courses for women in the UK, having delivered over £54 million worth of free technology education and teaching three times as many women to code as the entire UK university undergraduate system! Our mission is to reduce the gender diversity gap in tech globally by giving more women the opportunity to learn new skills and pursue great careers in tech. More than 80,000 women taught to code! We continue to build a kick-ass community of women who code. So far, we have taught over 80,000 with that number growing every month. Our community of women are passionate coders who are dedicated to supporting the growing number of women in tech, regardless of their age or background, and our graduates have often found jobs at the most exciting companies across the UK and beyond! To eliminate the diversity gap in tech by providing free education and economic opportunities to women and non-binaries globally. We are on a mission to transform tech by providing the skills, confidence and inspiration for women and non-binaries to become kick-ass developers, data whizzes, and future tech leaders. Our values are what drive us, guide us and hold us accountable to ensure Code First Girls is the best it can possibly be for our community, our partners and as a company. We serve our community first. Everything we do is for them, and we are their biggest advocates. We cheer them along on their journey into tech, support their needs and help them succeed. Driving global change is a big job, but we are here for it. We’ll be bold, relentless, strong, and muster up all the courage in the face of adversity. We are proud and passionate about this cause, and we’re here to drive real change. We’re all about less talk and more action. We’ll say it how it is and always choose honesty, truth and transparency. We choose kindness and empathy, and treat everyone how we want to be treated personally. You won’t find big egos here, there’s only room for good people. We are not like the rest. We are different, we challenge the norm, we are bold, fierce and authentic and definitely not stiff or stodgy. We take risks, we adapt and innovate; we look disruption in the face and give it a cheeky wink. Our team is empowered to make it happen. We bring the hustle, the fire, the determination Passion and collaboration fill our cups, and we aim to deliver the best in everything we do together. It will be a journey, but we will make damn sure we’ll have fun along the way. We celebrate the wins, no matter how big or small and recognise the many, many, many individual contributions everyone has made each step of the way on this big journey.

 Listings /  United Kingdom

Hello, I’m Deborah! I was born in Congo RDC and came to Cape Town South Africa in October 2012 to study at university. I have a National diploma in Financial accounting and a diploma in Financial information system. I am an ambitious young lady and I love to be surrounded by positive people. I’m a dedicated and conscientious team player with the ability to provide support and advice to people, customers, or co-workers and make a difference. I am organized, responsible, very loyal, focused and I can have the work done on time and meet deadlines. While doing my National diploma I was also working as a part time customer service sales representative. I became full time agent right after I graduated at university. I am a customer relation professional with more that six years of experience in customer service work, inbound and outbound calls, emails and social media. I have excellent verbal skills with the ability to communicate my thoughts and information in a clear and easy to understand manner. I am confident that the experience, the capabilities I have make me ready for any opportunity. I speak French, English, Swahili, and Lingala I love singing and dancing, reading, and my favorites animals are dogs and cats. Looking forward to be part of Zagenie family! Thank you!

 Listings /  Africa

I have four passions in life. My sport, family, work and God. Each I pursue with dogged determination to be better and to excel. The greatest blessing and experience in life is the privilege of life is having a loving and supporting wife and incredible children. My relationship with each of them is treasured above all. I am blessed in that I am healthy, enjoy the blessing of life and am extremely active. I am thrilled to be able to compete on the international stage for home and country. Success therein is just a cherry on top. Career and work has been an incredible experience. Knowing what I wanted to be early in high school and achieving such has brought about economic emancipation and a lifestyle I could only dream about as a little boy. I bask in the success and abilities given to me and the blessing poured out in great abundance.

 Listings /  Africa

DSA Study Maps è la pagina di un sito web dove si possono trovare e scaricare migliaia di mappe concettuali per le superiori. Siamo due fratelli. Giuseppe Cipolla, (studente di Psicologia) e Pietrosilvio Cipolla (studente di Giurisprudenza). Durante i mesi di forzata permanenza in casa, abbiamo approfittato per caricare sul web tutto il materiale prodotto durante i nostri anni di studio. Speriamo possa essere d’aiuto a tutti i ragazzi DSA/BES e non. Mappe concettuali parlanti, migliaia di mappe concettuali animate che spiegano in maniera sintetica e chiara i concetti chiave e importanti da memorizzare. Gli argomenti trattati sono relativi alle materie scolastiche: Italiano - Grammatica - Storia - Letteratura latina - Letteratura inglese - Filosofia - Scienze -Biologia - Genetica - Chimica - Corpo umano - Geologia -Geografia astronomica - Storia dell'arte ecc. Le mappe concettuali in formato jpeg potete trovarle e scaricarle dal sito. DSA Study Maps is the page of a website where you can find and download thousands of concept maps for high school. We are two brothers, Giuseppe Cipolla, (student of Psychology) and Pietrosilvio Cipolla (student of Law). During the months of forced stay at home, we took the opportunity to upload all the material produced during our years of study to the web. We hope it will be of help to all SLD / BES and non-SLD kids. Talking concept maps, thousands of animated concept maps that briefly and clearly explain the key and important concepts to be memorized. The topics covered are related to school subjects: Italian - Grammar - History - Latin literature - English literature - Philosophy - Science - Biology - Genetics - Chemistry - Human body - Geology - Astronomical geography - History of art etc. Concept maps in jpeg format can be found and downloaded from the site.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Edith Cowan University (ECU) provides the ideal learning environment for people who want to reach their potential. Located in Western Australia, our industry-relevant teaching and research, supportive study environment and award-winning facilities enable ECU students to do more than just survive in this world – they thrive in it. Established in 1991, ECU took the opportunity to reshape the way higher education is delivered in a distinctive and inspiring campus environment. ECU courses are developed in consultation with industry, and teaching staff have extensive industry experience and networks. It’s why ECU students can expect placement opportunities, fieldwork, practicums and networking events as part of their studies. This approach has been rewarded with five-star ratings for undergraduate teaching quality over the past fifteen years, along with consistently high ratings for overall education experience and skills development, as reported in the Good Universities Guide. ECU’s world-class research strives to make a difference to the community in Western Australia and beyond. ECU focuses on working with our communities, business and government organisations to solve real-world problems. The University was named after Edith Dircksey Cowan, the first woman to be elected to an Australian Parliament. Her life was dedicated to the belief that education was the key to growth, change and improvement in society. Her example informs ECU’s values, as we pride ourselves in developing capable graduates who lead engaged and productive lives in the communities in which they live and work.

 Listings /  Oceania/Antarctic

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