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La Universidad de Granada contribuye al desarrollo socioeconómico no solo regional sino también nacional y al internacional a través de una educación universal, una investigación de alto nivel, proporcionando servicios de alta calidad y colaborando estrechamente con la administración y las empresas locales. Nuestra institución está comprometida con las técnicas de entrenamiento e investigación, con la transferencia de conocimiento y el compromiso socioeconómico. Esto nos ha permitido crear cerca de 82 spin-offs, tener alrededor de 580 proyectos de investigación activos y lanzar alrededor de 230 productos patentados en los últimos años. Todos estos avances se han alcanzado en línea con los más altos estándares de responsabilidad social corporativa. En la Universidad de Granada estamos firmemente comprometidos con la inversión en la innovación y la excelencia en la investigación. Gracias a este compromiso el Campus BioTic, que busca la excelencia en las áreas de Biosalud, Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), Sistema Tierra y Patrimonio y Cultura, fue designado Campus de Excelencia Internacional por el gobierno español en 2009. Aproximadamente 80.000 personas entre estudiantes, investigadores, profesores y personal de administración y servicios están directamente ligados con la Universidad de Granada, esto la convierte en la cuarta universidad más grande del país. Esta comunidad universitaria ha convertido Granada, con sus 240.000 habitantes en una ciudad con una gran actividad social y cultura. Más de 6.000 estudiantes internacionales de distinto tipo estudian en la Universidad de Granada cada año, siendo así un auténtico destino multicultural. Además, cada año la Universidad de Granada recibe más de 2000 estudiantes del programa Erasmus. De esta forma, es el destino Erasmus más popular de Europa. Asimismo, enviamos más estudiantes dentro del programa Erasmus que ninguna otra universidad europea. Es un miembro fundador del Grupo Internacional Coimbra, una asociación europea de universidades a la vanguardia de la educación superior. Desde su fundación, la Universidad de Granada se ha ido expandiendo al mismo tiempo que lo ha hecho la ciudad de Granada, con centro educativos y de investigación distribuidos a lo largo del área metropolitana. De hecho, debido al papel jugado en el crecimiento de la ciudad durante los últimos 500 años, la universidad ha definido la ciudad tanto desde un punto de visto arquitectónico como cultural y económico.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

La Universidad de Barcelona es una de las instituciones más antiguas de Cataluña, y un claro reflejo de los acontecimientos políticos, sociales y económicos del país. Un referente importante de su historia. El 3 de septiembre de 1450 el rey Alfonso V el Magnánimo expidió, a petición de la ciudad de Barcelona, ​​el privilegio para crear el Estudio General barcelonés. En el documento se establecía que la ciudad tenía que financiar «todo lo necesario para su fundación», y que dispondría de estudios en Teología, Derecho Canónico y Civil, Filosofía Natural y Moral, Siete Artes Liberales, Medicina y en otras ciencias. El 30 de septiembre la fundación de esta institución también recibió la bula papal de Nicolás V. Sin embargo, el funcionamiento efectivo de la nueva universidad todavía tardaría años en alcanzarse debido a la falta de una financiación continua, a circunstancias históricas, como la guerra civil catalana (1462–1472), y a las constantes quejas del Estudio General de Lleida. Fue Fernando el Católico quien impulsó de nuevo el proyecto en 1488 con la concesión del privilegio para unificar todas las escuelas barcelonesas en el Estudio de Medicina. El 9 de octubre de 1508 se promulgaron las primeras ordenanzas municipales, que marcaban las pautas académicas, de financiación y de gobierno del nuevo establecimiento. El 17 de octubre de 1536 se inició la construcción del Estudio General de todas las facultades siguiendo las directrices del maestro de obras Tomàs Barsa, en unos terrenos cedidos por el Consejo de Ciento de Barcelona en la parte alta de la Rambla. Esta fundación obtuvo el beneplácito del emperador Carlos I de España y fue costeada por la ciudad de Barcelona, ​​el capítulo catedralicio y varios ciudadanos particulares. En 1539 finalizaron las obras del edificio, que era de dos plantas, disponía de capilla y claustro, y lucía un gran escudo del emperador sobre la puerta principal, que aún se conserva en el Edificio Histórico. Tras la Guerra de Sucesión, el edificio se convirtió en el llamado Cuartel de los Estudios, que fue derribado en 1843 con el fin de construir la puerta de Isabel II en la muralla de Barcelona. Restablecida en la ciudad condal, la Universidad se instaló en las dependencias del antiguo convento del Carmen. El mal estado de la construcción y la falta de adecuación de las instalaciones obligaron al rector Víctor Arnau a solicitar una nueva construcción, que en 1859 fue encargada al arquitecto Elias Rogent. El derribo de las murallas de Barcelona (1854-1856) y la aprobación del Plan Cerdà, en 1859, proveyeron al Estado de un gran número de espacios dentro de la nueva ciudad. Así fue como se emplazó la nueva construcción en su ubicación actual. Las obras comenzaron el día 1 de octubre de 1863 y concluyeron de manera definitiva en 1893 con la instalación de la reja que circundaba el jardín. En esta época, la Universidad comprendía cinco grandes facultades: Ciencias, Filosofía y Letras, Medicina, Farmacia y Derecho. Todas se ubicaron en la nueva Universidad excepto la Facultad de Medicina, que permaneció en el Hospital de la Santa Cruz hasta la inauguración en 1906 de su nuevo edificio anexo al Hospital Clínico, diseñado por el arquitecto Domènec i Estapà. Durante las primeras décadas, la universidad aglutinó una generación de nuevos profesores renovadores, y a menudo de reconocido catalanismo, que marcarían el carácter de la institución universitaria durante el primer tercio del siglo. Encontramos personalidades como los filólogos Pompeu Fabra y Antonio Rubió i Lluch, el jurista Josep Pella, el historiador Francesc Carreras Candi o el arquitecto e historiador Josep Puig i Cadafalch. También destacaron personas como Pere Bosch i Gimpera y Jaume Serra Húnter, que ejercieron de rectores durante el periodo republicano. Con el advenimiento de la II República española y la aprobación del Estatuto de autonomía de la Universidad de Barcelona, ​​el 7 de septiembre de 1933, la institución se convirtió en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona —denominación que coincide con la de la universidad fundada en 1968 en Bellaterra y con la que no debe confundirse—, que estaba regida por un patronato con representantes del Gobierno de la República, la Generalitat y el claustro universitario. El 3 de febrero de 1939 se suprimió el estatuto universitario. Esta fecha marcó el inicio de un periodo de represión, durante el cual fue depurado más del 70 % del profesorado y la lengua y cultura catalanas quedaron eliminadas de la vida académica. Los años setenta y ochenta del siglo XX estuvieron marcados por la enorme transformación social, política y económica, que comenzaba el largo camino de la transición con las elecciones generales de 1977 y el retorno del presidente Josep Tarradellas. Este periodo estuvo marcado por el rectorado del filólogo Antoni Badia i Margarit (1978-1986), que significó unos años de modernización y democratización de las estructuras universitarias a todos los niveles, así como de recuperación de la lengua y cultura catalanas como base de la educación superior. La Universidad de Barcelona actualmente está formada por una comunidad de más de setenta mil personas entre estudiantes, profesorado y personal de administración y servicios, que integran una estructura formada por dieciséis facultades organizadas en seis campus universitarios, el Parque Científico de Barcelona y nueve centros adscritos. Se trata de la segunda universidad más grande de España, y una de las mejor posicionadas en los rankings internacionales, en los que a menudo figura como la primera del país.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

La actual Universidad Complutense de Madrid es la que fundara el Cardenal Cisneros como consecuencia de la Carta Bulada “Inter cetera”, otorgada por Alejandro VI, el 13 de abril de 1499, para conceder al Cardenal el privilegio de fundar y construir un Colegio de Escolares que debería ubicarse en Alcalá de Henares. Cisneros ordenó la construcción del Colegio Mayor San Ildefonso un mes antes de que se otorgase la Carta bulada, colocándose la primera piedra en marzo de 1499. La idea era crear el Colegio Complutense en el que se impartiesen las enseñanzas de Teología, Derecho Canónico y Artes Liberales. Desde el principio aquel Colegio se asentó en el lugar donde se había ubicado Complutum, la ciudad romana del Siglo I a.C. Las obras acabaron en 1508 y en ese año empezaron a estudiar los primeros alumnos. La matrícula se realizó entre agosto y octubre. El día 17 de octubre se eligió al primer Rector de la Universidad –Pedro del Campo-, inaugurándose el Curso el día 18 con una lección sobre la filosofía moral de Aristóteles. La idea inicial de Cisneros reproducía el contenido de los estudios de las Universidades medievales europeas –las que siguieron a los Estudios Generales- en las que se estudiaba Teología, Medicina y Jurisprudencia, siendo preparatorias las enseñanzas de Artes Liberales. Pretendía el Cardenal con la estructura colegial permitir estudiar a personas sin recursos que eran acogidas y becadas. Tras múltiples avatares sufridos por la Universidad ubicada en Alcalá, que pasó de los iniciales momentos de gloria, a un considerable declive, en 1821, en el Reglamento General de Instrucción Pública, se ordenó la creación de la Universidad Central de Madrid, suprimiéndose un año después la asentada en Alcalá. La ubicación, en segundo intento, de la Universidad en Madrid -con la denominación de Central- se produce a partir de 1836. Hasta 1837 no se completó el traslado de las Facultades o Estudios; en ese momento eran las de Teología, Filosofía, Cánones y Jurisprudencia, Ciencias, Medicina y Farmacia. En 1843 ya no quedaba en Alcalá ningún vestigio de la institución fundada por Cisneros. A partir de 1868, tras la caída de Isabel II, durante los años del Sexenio Revolucionario se abrió una etapa de radicales e ilusionantes reformas. El discurso inaugural del curso académico 1868-1869 fue dictado por el recién nombrado Rector, Fernando de Castro, y explicitaba las directrices de la política académica de las nuevas autoridades: independencia de ciencia y enseñanza respecto del Gobierno e Iglesia, autonomía del profesor en la expresión de su pensamiento y ética profesional en el desarrollo de su actividad académica. En la línea de reformas universitarias que inspiraban la labor de los sucesivos ministros de instrucción pública en los primeros años del siglo XX, se enmarca la creación de la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios, desde la que se fomentó una política de becas en el extranjero y de establecimiento de laboratorios de investigación, en ella tuvieron presencia activa catedráticos de la Universidad de Madrid. El segundo gran motor en la modernización de la Universidad Central durante el primer tercio del siglo XX fue la construcción de la Ciudad Universitaria. El proyecto arrancó en la primavera de 1929, al constituirse, bajo la protección de Alfonso XIII, la Junta Constructora de la Ciudad Universitaria. La dictadura del general Primo de Rivera perseguía un doble objetivo: reubicar la conflictiva masa de alumnos fuera del centro de la ciudad y presentar un proyecto ampuloso vinculado a la creación de infraestructura. La Junta constructora se encargó de gestionar la adquisición o cesión de los terrenos en La Moncloa y el arquitecto Modesto López Otero dirigió las obras. A lo largo de los años treinta las obras de la Ciudad Universitaria avanzaron a buen ritmo; en enero de 1933, se inauguró oficialmente el primer edificio del recinto: la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. En 1936 el núcleo central del proyecto estaba ultimado: se habían inaugurado algunos edificios, lo que permitía la actividad docente en ellos, y otros se encontraban próximos a su finalización. En 1943 entraría en vigor la Ley de Ordenación de la Universidad española, vigente hasta 1970 y que marcó las coordenadas de la universidad franquista. Con ella quedaba certificada la estructura centralista de la universidad española (solo en Madrid se alcanzaría, hasta 1954, el título de doctor); se reconocía al Rector –nombrado directamente por el Gobierno- como la autoridad máxima de la Universidad; se involucraba en la labor universitaria a la Iglesia (que incorporaba la enseñanza de la religión en los planes de estudio), al Ejército (que se encargaría de la, entonces también obligatoria, educación física) y a Falange (encargada de encuadrar a alumnos y profesores, por filiación obligatoria, en el SEU y en el Servicio Español del Profesorado Universitario). A la muerte de Franco, la Universidad vivió la misma incertidumbre e interinidad que el resto de la sociedad española. La aprobación de la Constitución y la consolidación democrática permitieron la promulgación de una nueva legislación universitaria. La Ley de Reforma Universitaria de 1983 sentó las bases de un moderno modelo universitario: el gobierno de la Universidad se hacía recaer sobre la propia comunidad académica; la toma de decisiones se democratiza y los departamentos universitarios asumen la organización de la docencia e investigación. Una vez incorporada España a la Unión Europea, se ha establecido un nuevo marco de referencia para nuestra educación superior. Los conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas adquiridas durante los estudios superiores son, en cada uno de los sistemas universitarios europeos, comunes y homologables. Nace así, el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La Universidad Complutense de Madrid asume como propio un triple ideal: formar profesionales útiles a la sociedad, promover la investigación científica y difundir, entre los próximos y los lejanos, el conocimiento y los valores que son inherentes a la Universidad.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

My name is Glorymar Hernandez, but I prefer to be called “Glory”. I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, and grew up amid the crowds of the city, the tranquility of the Andean mountains and the joy of the Caribbean coast. A mixture that has taught me to enjoy wherever I am, that aroused my curiosity to know the world, and that has helped me to adapt, with relative ease, to changes. I have a degree in Philosophy, my research works are in Philosophy of Language. Since 2019 I have been working as a Spanish teacher. I decided to start teaching my mother tongue thanks to my experience learning other languages. I had the opportunity to live for a year in Ireland, where I went to learn English and, currently, I am in Italy, where I have had the opportunity to learn Italian. These experiences allowed me to realize that, although seeking perfection when trying to “speak like a native” is the ideal, what really matters is being able to communicate, make ourselves understood and be open to the experience of knowing other cultures and understand that there are many different points of view. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work in different contexts such as banking, outsourcing consular procedures, and teaching at university level. The biggest lesson I learned from these experiences is that I am not an office person. I prefer to own my time and have the freedom to work wherever I am. For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish online and to enter the digital world. I consider myself a very curious and versatile person, that is why in my free time I enjoy handcrafting (such as sewing or knitting), volunteering, being in contact with nature, and trying to learn new things, like playing the guitar. Regarding my geographical preferences, the beach and the mountains are my main refuges, because I can escape from the noise of the city and connect with myself. That is why I would like to be able to live with my husband on a mountain, not far from the sea.

 Members /  Greater Europe

La Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias (Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències) de Valencia es un conjunto único dedicado a la divulgación científica y cultural, que está integrado por seis grandes elementos: el Hemisfèric, cine IMAX, 3D y proyecciones digitales; el Umbracle, mirador ajardinado y aparcamiento; el Museu de les Ciències, innovador centro de ciencia interactiva; el Oceanogràfic, el mayor acuario de Europa; el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, dedicado la programación operística, y el Ágora, que dota al complejo de un espacio multifuncional. A lo largo de un eje de casi dos kilómetros, en el antiguo cauce del río Turia, este complejo impulsado por la Generalitat Valenciana sorprende por su arquitectura y por su inmensa capacidad para divertir y estimular las mentes de sus visitantes que, recorriendo sus edificios, conocen diferentes aspectos relacionados con la ciencia, la tecnología, la naturaleza o el arte. El papel relevante de la arquitectura en la Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias de Valencia ha sido posible gracias al trabajo de dos arquitectos españoles de prestigio internacional, que han aportado aquí lo mejor de su obra: Santiago Calatrava, con el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, el Hemisfèric, el Museu de les Ciències, el Umbracle y el Àgora, y Félix Candela, con las singulares cubiertas de los edificios principales del Oceanogràfic. Un conjunto arquitectónico de excepcional belleza, que armoniza el continente con el contenido. Una ciudad donde conviven el mar y la luz del Mediterráneo de manera sorprendente. Se ha constituido como uno de los mayores focos de difusión cultural. En conjunto, las proyecciones digitales y las películas en gran formato en el Hemisfèric, las exposiciones interactivas en el Museu de les Ciencies Príncip Felipe y las exhibiciones bioeducativas del Oceanogràfic, conforman una gran oferta interrelacionada, que se complementa, con el único objetivo de satisfacer la curiosidad y las ganas de divertirse del visitante. La Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias une además la admirada tradición mediterránea del mar y la luz, de los colores azules y blancos, con una arquitectura vanguardista diseñada por Santiago Calatrava y Félix Candela. Sus audaces líneas identifican a la capital del Turia del siglo XXI; es la estampa futurista que simboliza a la nueva Valencia: una ciudad moderna dentro de la ciudad milenaria, donde millones de visitantes acuden cada año para disfrutar con la cultura, la naturaleza, el arte y la ciencia.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

I’m Toni-Leigh, born and bred in the Mother City of Cape Town. My fiancé and I, are parents to a lively 2-year old girl who arrived 5 years after losing our 3-year old son to a rare genetic disease. I love learning new things. Growing up, I was a voracious reader, reading anything and everything (even the classifieds and property ads) and with the advancement of technology over the years, I can have information at the tip of my fingers, so I’m always eager to learn new things and I’m a fast learner. I’ve always had an interest in Information Technology and was the go-to person in my office before my colleagues would go to the IT office, and now I’m looking into further studies so that I can develop my knowledge and skills. In 2005 I graduated from Varsity College with a Diploma in Travel and Tourism with aspirations of travelling worldwide in my profession. Things didn’t quite work out that way, having worked in retail and a company assisting young people to live and work in the UK. In the last decade or so, I’ve been in the tourism industry behind the scenes, working for an online holiday accommodation booking agency and more recently a company that does tours and safaris in Southern Africa. I also do freelance work remotely, such as, captioning for a speech-to-text service and social media evaluation. I am an introvert but enjoy working with and being in the company of others, while also enjoying being on my own. In the past I used to view being an introvert as a weakness because those higher up in the ranks of the companies I worked for were extroverted but in recent times I realised how much of a strength it is being an introvert as I also have a strong sense of empathy, which I believe is key in Customer Service and building interpersonal relationships with colleagues and clients. I’m passionate about customer service and going the extra mile and l love that feeling of knowing that I’ve made a difference in someone’s day whether big or small. People tend to describe me as hardworking, punctual, efficient, dependable and trustworthy. Covid-19 affected the tourism industry drastically, however, I still want to travel anywhere I can, just soaking up the different cultures and experiences. The last year has been both challenging and rewarding and it has made me see things in a different light and so it has been somewhat of a new beginning for me. I am motivated now more than ever to seek out new passions and adventures and to get out of my comfort zone.

 Listings /  Africa

Wamkelekile (‘Welcome’ in isiXhosa) to one and all! My name is Iman Martin – ‘Iman’ having both Arabic and African meanings for ‘faith’. Just like my name, I come from a multicultural background: my mom has Indian and Malaysian origins, while my dad is from the Griqua people/clan in South Africa. In the same vein, I am a Muslim and have Christian relatives with who I am very close. It is because of my diverse background that I feel I was raised to be both tolerant and respectful towards those that are of a different culture, religion, or ethnicity. Cape Town has been the only home I know, and I’ve never ventured far out of it. I do however envision myself travelling to different parts of the world a few years from now. I am passionate about women’s empowerment and women having the choice to choose for themselves! I have recently graduated from the University of Cape Town, with a Bachelor of Social Work (Psychology Major) and placed on the Dean’s Merit List, awarded for consistent academic achievement. Through hard work and perseverance, I was fortunate to have received a scholarship from the Department of Social Development for three of my four years of study. My mini-thesis explored the experiences and challenges of 1st-year students at UCT adjusting to university. Studying social work has not only allowed me to better understand those around me and their thought processes but also, to better understand myself and the possible reasons why I am the way I am. As part of my course requirements, I had to complete field practicals – by putting the theory that I was learning in class to practice in a real-world environment. My field practice experience ranged along a spectrum: from providing social work services to underprivileged youth in a primary school in Bonteheuwel, to interning in the more affluent area of Upper Wynberg, at an international school. This experience further fostered my innate empathy and non-judgemental outlook for those around me. I am someone who is not afraid to get my hands dirty, work hard and help out where I can: currently job hunting, I have occasionally been helping my father with renovations to his property that include painting, plastering, applying putty, etc. This has taught me many practical things that I hope to apply when I own my own house one day. A few months before now, I worked as a Personal Assistant to a therapist and social worker. This was a remote job that taught me valuable organisation and time-management skills. In my early years of study, I found myself working a sales assistant job at the Robben Island Museum Gateway store, and found that my favourite part of the job was interacting with the different tourists that happened upon our humble store and hearing their stories – where they were from and why they decided to visit SA, etc. I love reading, and since a young age, I’ve been considered a bookworm. I mainly enjoy supernatural and sci-fi novels and webcomics, as well as other forms of content such as newspaper and magazine articles (need to know what’s happening in the world around me). English was also my favourite subject at school, and I think this was also encouraged by my English-teacher mother who was quick to correct any incorrect grammar and pronunciation when my siblings and I spoke incorrectly. I often assisted her in marking her learners’ English examination scripts and as a result, am quick to pick up on spelling or grammatical errors. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, long walks with my dog Ninja, and photography. This has led me to submit a piece that is currently being exhibited at the Zeits Mocca Art Museum, in their long-running ‘Home is Where The Art Is’ exhibition. Furthermore, my faith has given me strength through the darkest times and taught me to be tolerant and understanding of those around me. I am still very much figuring life and myself out as I go along and am always open to learning from those around me.

 Listings /  Africa

“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” A Japanese proverb close to my heart. It has helped me persevere in so many situations in life and those situations have molded me into the woman I am today. Here’s a brief introduction to who I am. I am a new mommy to an adorable baby boy. A jack of all trades. I’m an artist at heart, fitness enthusiast, avid reader, and quite academic. I was born on the 9th of August in the year 1996 in Elim, a small village in the Limpopo Province. I grew up in Johannesburg and later moved to Pretoria in 2006 when I was in Grade 4, where I completed the rest of my school career. I have always been one to participate in almost every extra-mural activity since my primary school years, I played softball, hockey, and cricket. I took part in cross-country and district athletics to name a few. My love for sports made me gravitate towards what I currently do part-time, I train on a regular basis, and I am a wellness coach and a distributor for a prominent nutrition brand. A large part of what I do involves helping people correct their nutrition and learn more about the benefits of healthy eating so that they can lead a healthier lifestyle and feel great while they are at it. I have been involved in various projects that involved giving back to those in need. I have been involved with an initiative called Feed a Homeless Homie, where we made food for the homeless and distributed it at least one weekend a month, I also helped a friend of mine with a pads drive for less fortunate girls, I also give clothes to homeless shelters for women and children whenever I can and I worked with an NGO known as Keep That Gold Shining (KTG) where we tutored young kids in high schools in the townships. I am a philanthropist at heart and believe that even the smallest contribution goes a long way. As mentioned I am also an artist, mostly self-taught. I do painting on commission as well as pencil sketching. I do not have a specific style as yet but most of my work features women from different walks of life. I would like to collaborate with more artists in the future and have exhibitions. I try to read at least one book a month. My favorite writers have always been James Patterson and Dan Brown however I recently branched out to other genres besides suspense and thrillers. Some of my latest reads are: • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki • Atomic Habits by James Clear • The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho • Half of a yellow sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie • No Longer At Ease by Chinua Achebe I can speak at least 6 of the 11 official languages, I am fairly tech-savvy. I am a quick learner, always willing to pick up a new skill. Life has thrown several curve balls at me and I never backed down. I strongly believe in working hard and not giving up on anything I do. My name means ‘Be Strong’, that is who I am!

 Listings /  Africa

Greetings to one and all. My name is Edith, I am a child of the universe and I want to share that every day is a beautiful day. True, our emotions fluctuate but at some point during each day we will recognise that the day is a gift we have received and if we be true to ourselves this will bring a smile and with it feel good energy. We should take this feel good energy and build on it so that each day it comes easier and earlier and like a muscle it will grow, become more evident and gather momentum and we will feel better for it. I believe in kindness and forgiveness towards others and myself. In a couple of months I will begin the first year of my sixth decade on planet Earth. Twenty years ago I was facing a life threatening illness and not doing too well, I am a miracle. I believe we are all miracles. Some would differ it can be a topic for discussion. I am a widow and live with and take care of my 87 year old mother and 7 year old granddaughter to whom I am foster mother. Thankfully both are well. We live in a truly beautiful spot, the Deep South, Cape Peninsula, CT, South Africa, blessed in many ways I have much wonder and appreciation for this. I was born in Cape Town, grew up and completed my education in the best place in the world to have grown up at that time, yes! Zambia in the sun. I have very fond memories of my formative years in Zambia and still consider myself Zambian. It is the national anthem I sang as a child and I loved the then president, KK, Kenneth Kaunda. I returned to South Africa in 1980 to attend college and begin my independent years and in 1982 I moved to the newly independent Zimbabwe where I spent the next 21 years before returning to my roots in 2003. I have extensive administrative experience - getting things organised, getting things done. With a stable track record, I am able to diversify within different industries. As part of a team I have a strong focus to resolve challenges and enjoy leaving any tasks I am busy with in a user friendly state (do unto others). I pride myself on my attention to detail & due diligence, going the extra mile in terms of improved efficiency and cost effectiveness. I did a one year secretarial course in 1980 and my working life began from there. Living and learning life then became what I did, marriage, babies, etc. I guess I was lazy to further my qualifications, in hindsight I think I would have made a damn good surgeon LOL. Seriously, I have good eye, hand coordination, a good touch, and, consciously, I have become better at threading the needle. I believe strongly in being true to and honest with myself and I think I was then because family means more to me than a career. And now, I am ready to start that next chapter in my career. I am blessed. I have over the years done various short courses including a deep tissue massage course so I am a certified masseuse however I only massage family and friends as I am no longer physically (strength and stamina) up to doing a job I am comfortable to charge for. Thought that was worth mentioning as it brings me pleasure to help others breathe and take time out. I have always worked in administrative support positions from Girl Friday to Executive PA and everything in between and in many different industries. My last couple of jobs have been from home (virtual) and in a new field namely customer service. This shift was challenging and I am proud to say I managed it pretty well. Working from home is what is necessary at this time given my current living circumstances. This change and the challenge that came with it reminded me that I have strong determination which is a very good thing. I am concerned for my granddaughter’s generation and what life will be like for them as adults, especially the environment they will find themselves in physically, mentally, emotionally. I would love to become more knowledgeable and active in the conservation of water, a precious natural resource that as long as it comes out of the tap when we open the tap many do not really appreciate just how precious it is and therefore the need to respect and conserve it. And, I would love to see the curricula in our educational systems adapting to educating our children to be more self-aware, mindful and able to guide their minds when it comes to EQ. Easy does it.

 Listings /  Africa

Hello, I’m Deborah! I was born in Congo RDC and came to Cape Town South Africa in October 2012 to study at university. I have a National diploma in Financial accounting and a diploma in Financial information system. I am an ambitious young lady and I love to be surrounded by positive people. I’m a dedicated and conscientious team player with the ability to provide support and advice to people, customers, or co-workers and make a difference. I am organized, responsible, very loyal, focused and I can have the work done on time and meet deadlines. While doing my National diploma I was also working as a part time customer service sales representative. I became full time agent right after I graduated at university. I am a customer relation professional with more that six years of experience in customer service work, inbound and outbound calls, emails and social media. I have excellent verbal skills with the ability to communicate my thoughts and information in a clear and easy to understand manner. I am confident that the experience, the capabilities I have make me ready for any opportunity. I speak French, English, Swahili, and Lingala I love singing and dancing, reading, and my favorites animals are dogs and cats. Looking forward to be part of Zagenie family! Thank you!

 Listings /  Africa

Live and love as if there is no tomorrow! Hi, my name is Emmerentia. I was born in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa, in the ‘60’s, which means that I'm an original, retro hippie chick at heart with the good, old-fashioned values to back it up. The highs and lows I’ve dealt with in life have taught me a valuable lesson…time is not guaranteed and is therefore not to be lost. I am enjoying my journey, still learning new life lessons and growing to become the person I am meant to be. I must pay tribute to the University of Experience and the School of Hard Knocks for the valuable contributions you have made to my life path thus far. Stronger. Wiser. Blessed. My passion is to help others to reach their full potential. It is even more difficult to do that in one’s own life (it’s so easy giving advice to others, isn’t it?) but making a direct contribution or figuratively planting a seed and watching it take root in someone else’s life is deeply rewarding. We are on this planet to live good lives and to make a positive difference to our direct environment, wherever our feet may fall. Aim for the stars; never forget your roots. Be yourself, stay humble, be kind, be grateful, make love an action…not a word. My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health. There is no planet B. I’m a big fan of renewable resources, organic gardens and farming and hugging a tree. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos. I am an excellent chef in my kitchen 😊 and I love baking (to put it mildly). My cakes and tarts are wickedly good and not being gluten intolerant is still my highlight of the previous decade! My downtime is spent walking, jogging, going to the beach, horse riding and playing golf. With over 38 years’ combined experience, accumulated by time spent in the corporate world and having 3 businesses over the years, I have a wealth of experience to share and utilize. Words, in a personal bio, aren't plentiful. Not to me, at least. I feel that the chances of someone reading about what your opinion is of yourself and BELIEVING it is remote. The tough part is that you don't know me, nor I you, yet I'm trying to “convince” you that what I say is who I am as a person and that what I say is what it is. The eyes are windows to the soul…that isn't exactly happening here, and that sense cannot always be replaced through words alone. So, the moral of the story is that what I list below as my key character traits, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, experience, etc. is in reality simply just that. Traits: Dedicated, honest, loyal, trustworthy, tenacious, dependable, creative, methodical, sense of integrity, ethical, tough but fair, empathetic, lighthearted and friendly. Strengths: Comfortable in a team environment or working independently, management, skills utilization, delegation, human relations, conflict resolution, analysis, strategizing, implementation, problem solving, business administration. Weaknesses: Impatience, self-critique, injustice and rudeness stirs my temper, being micro-managed, cheesecake. Experience: Sales, sales management, customer relationship management, business administration, directorship and general management of 3 x businesses previously owned/co-owned. Summary: A self-starter who gets what's required done, pronto. I am self-motivated, enjoy new challenges and try my best to excel at what's before me. I love working with people, as this is simply my passion.

 Listings /  Africa

My name is Jean-Mark Lufuluabo,born on 25 of November 1990 in mbuji-mayi,D.R.Congo.And I am the first born of a family of 8 children. I attended high school in the same city ,majoring in biology and the age of 20 I was a manager in a family business, combining it with college. Where I studied commercial and financial sciences in ISC(Institute Superieur de Commerce) this time in another city called Lubumbashi. I speak 5 languages ;English French,Swahili,Lindale and Tshiluba.I am also Skilled in HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT and J query. I moved to South Africa in 2015,loved the adventure so far.In South Africa I attended a fire training with Pulse Training Academy, then after worked as fire Marshall in Harbour dry dock at Cape Town’s port. I have worked also for Tessara (ex Grapetech) in Epping Cape Town , And currently working as delivery partner with Picup and UberEats. As a person ,I love sports, hiking ,reading . I would like to fly if I had the means to do so. Above all, I am open minded person, who seeks to improve each and everyday .

 Listings /  Africa

“The key to unlocking complexity, is simplicity itself” This is the lesson that I have learned time and time again, not just in business, but life as well. Hence my perspective, in that we can complicate life or take a pragmatic approach. I grew up in a single parent household, with my father and younger sister, uncommon in my community whereby most single parent would be one’s mother, but this has shaped my thinking…not everything is what it seems. Firmly believe that personal and moral growth is a direct consequence of uplifting communities and protecting the vulnerable. Recently, I was the MD of a rural firefighting programme and still remains one of my passions in terms of assisting underserviced communities. I’ve worked in television, mainly satellite broadcasting, the South African revenue service, back into broadcasting, then firefighting and now green economy initiatives including a component of green building construction and manufacturing. Personally, an avid motorcycle enthusiast as well as a proponent of animal welfare. As you will notice from my pictures, motorcycles and pets. Right now, we have 10 pets, 4 dogs and 6 cats. All are adopted and some rescued, save for the German Shepherd.

 Listings /  Africa

Born and raised in South-Africa by a single mother in humble surroundings. Doing Taekwondo for years and attained my International black belt with the following principles, this was apart of my childhood that guided me into my adult life: Showing courtesy to others no matter what level of society labelled them; training continuously whether I was up for it or not; showing integrity, even when no one was watching; perseverance when I wanted to give up; self control when it was difficult to compose myself and learning from my couch to have a indomitable Spirit. Finishing school it was expected of me to follow in the "Afrikaaner Man's" footsteps to have a job where you work many long hours a day, week in and week out, get your salary, sleep and repeat. My passion for music gave me the confidence to follow my heart and to head towards Cape Town for a short holiday, but I ended up staying here and studied for Audio Engineering, whilst completing my studies and gaining experience in the industry. COVID19 affected the industry drastically and I had decided to use my spare time productively by enrolling in courses such as Social Media marketing and Programming. I also started a small business where I rent out my sound equipment and host small gatherings and events. Helping friends with their business promotions and seeing how people enjoyed the events I have hosted, it made me realize that I have a passion to better others and their circumstances. Following my dreams against all odds lead me to where I am today and to appreciate every single moment by not wondering about the past or worrying about the future. Focusing on the task at hand and having it complete well within the deadline is what I strive to achieve and I love learning and gaining knowledge along the way to further myself in everything and anything I get the opportunity for. I am ready for new challenges and know that having a healthy work balance will help me to reach my full potential.

 Listings /  Africa

I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenges and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. Not only that, but I’m always looking for ways and opportunities to better myself and achieve greatness. I’m highly organized, always take notes and use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines. Furthermore, I keep a clean workspace and filing system, so I’d always be able to find what I need. Also, I find this increases efficiency and helps me stay on task. In addition, I love meeting new people and learning about their stories, it always gives me new perspectives. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making them feel at home in my presence. I find this skill is especially helpful when dealing with new clients or even strangers when meeting for the first time. I am result-oriented, constantly checking in with the results to determine how close or far I am, and what it will take to make it happen. Pressure inspires and acts as a great motivator. I pride myself on making sure people have the right information because it drives better results, and I feel a sense of responsibility to keep everyone on the same page when it comes to work-related matters. I would describe my personality as a little of everything. Likewise, I am creative, adventurous, driven, curious, enthusiastic, observant, positive, and self-aware. This is what makes me easy to work with and makes the people who surround me happy to be in my presence. When it comes to my work I am attentive, helpful, patient, respectful, supportive, and very flexible. This is what I believe makes me so easy to adapt to any situation thrown my way. Life is full of ups and downs. I know this is a cliché, but this phrase summarizes my whole existence. Sometimes my life is fun, happy, and almost enviable and at times my life is sad boring, and uninspiring. I have never tried to be perfect, but one thing is true — I AM WHO I AM.

 Listings /  Africa

I’m a proactive recent college graduate (International certificate in Cyber Defence) from the Institute of Advanced Cyber Defence in Sandton, South Africa. During the course of my academic career, I also managed to accrue nearly 10 years of work experience. I had the privilege of working for Absa Bank Limited as a Forex Teller and an International Banking Consultant, where I learned valuable professional skills in foreign exchange, global banking, and branch operations. While working at Absa bank, I was exposed to a culture that had a high demand of customer or client services. I learnt to be a much organised individual and now able to deal with projects at hand and also to work under enormous pressure. I was awarded Teller of the year for two consecutive years and had been an ”A” performer influencing my colleagues to do the same. The role of being second in charge at the Teller department empowered me to lead, supervise and initiate action. I empowered myself by studying and finishing a Certificate in Banking, after which I registered and obtained a Higher Diploma in Banking specialising in Treasury and International Banking. My passion for International Banking and Financial markets led me to register and obtain a certificate for Regulation and Ethics of the SA Financial Markets with the South African Institute of Financial Markets. In 2015 I wrote an article about ” My purpose and Journey” within Barclays Africa and won that competition for a trip to Robben Island to meet the then Barclays Africa CEO Maria Ramos and the late political icon Amhed Kathrada. My broad range of interests brings me into contact with the diversity of people and that talent South Africa and the world offers. I want to promote this talent and creative output especially of local people. I am a hard worker, good organizer, very good with numbers, energetic and responsible individual. I started my schooling with a desire and passion to make an impact to every situation encountered. Education has taught me that world of work does not need greater minds, but the determination and desire to what one does. In both my academic and professional life, I have been praised as a hard-working individual by my lectures and peers. Whether working on academic, extracurricular, or professional projects, I apply proven teamwork, best customer service and critical thinking skills. I’m a very spiritual person who is passionate about the well being of others. My love for God led me to dedicate each morning into writing and sharing daily prophetic words and worship songs to my entire network including friends in Europe, and also guiding some on their spiritual journeys.

 Listings /  Africa

I have been involved in the music industry for the better part of my life. As a performer and creator, I have had the opportunity to entertain many people over the years. I have a great passion for music and the arts in general. As an avid reader, I take great pleasure in immersing myself in the prose of those who are highly skilled in the literary arts. This stood me in great stead when I embarked on a course in Journalism a million years ago. Although I never completed the course, certain skills have stuck with me to this day. My journalistic endeavour was eclipsed by my musical passion. A passion that has given me much joy and also lead to much heartache. Nonetheless, being a staunch collector of music, it wasn’t long before I utilised this collection, and branched out into spinning records on dance floors around the country. Having grown up in Cape Town, South Africa, in the ‘80s, I was embroiled in the struggle for freedom. Battling the apartheid regime. This struggle, which was so much a part of everyday life, gave me a sense of something bigger than myself. A sense of community and belonging to something that was more important than my own personal well-being. Generally speaking, I would like to believe that I am an artist at heart. When I say that I don't mean that I like to draw or paint or any of the other physical manifestations of art. What I mean is that I approach life as art. If that makes any sense. I am the proverbial Jack of all trades. Master of a few. I think my biggest asset is that I am always willing to learn. That is something that I intend to keep doing until the last breath escapes my body.

 Listings /  Africa

"All things are possible" I love the outdoors, travelling, animals and people. I was an ardent hiker, and this allowed me to visit some of the most amazing hiking trails in South Africa. What inspires me most is the ability to positively impact the lives of others through the plethora of skills I have acquired over the many years of experience. I have the ability to add value wherever I am placed. I am energised by strategy, new challenges, and the search for the most efficient and impactful solutions. My career began in education. As an educator I enjoyed the children. I know this will always be part of who I am as I will always be passionate about teaching and will continue sharing knowledge, mentoring, and coaching, etc. I ventured into the corporate environment as I excelled with my financial skills and thought that my career would entail the chartered accountant route. I did the required academics, got the job and my focus was numbers and more numbers. Again, I was challenged because my love for people was not satisfied. I once again did a complete change in my career by studying, job shadowing and taking on projects in the learning and development and human resource departments. One of my memorable periods was asking the CFO of the organisation to give me the opportunity to split my job in two areas to show my capabilities and therefore be considered for a position that was eventually created for me. This was exciting and I thrived in this environment. I felt like I was adding value as the position focused on the growth and development of the youth, once again. I knew that I could accomplish more and add more value through venturing out on my own. I started my own business which offers the services of learning and development, strategy, human resources and finance. This has been an exciting journey with many challenges.

 Listings /  Africa

Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, but I am currently live in South Africa (Cape Town) about 7 years I am Married to Magalie since 2018 and we have a 2 years old girl. I am a honest, ambitious, friendly, reliable and motivated person. I’m a skilled individual who has excellent training as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). As a result, I have good knowledge of routing, switching, network applications, protocols, services, and wireless skills. I am a self-motivated person and I try to exceed my superior’s expectations with high-quality work. Being a fast learner, I quickly pick up business knowledge related to my project. An experienced and customer service with a strong interest to increase customer satisfaction and at the same time making sure all of the operations are being done properly. I believe my strengths are that I am a person who can work under a lot of stress and have excellent communication skills which enable me to handle a leadership position as wells work in a team. I care deeply about workplace professionalism. I regard myself to be a very open-minded person, ready for a new challenge when it comes to technology. People consider me to be a social, temperament person who does not hesitate in giving my opinion for what I think and believe in. I have always enjoyed meeting new people and it comes naturally to me to maintain a lot of relationships. I love trying new things, creating new methods, and introducing new ideas. I love watching soccer, specially when Leo Messi plays, movies and playing games.

 Listings /  Africa

Let's get to know Wandisile Mboxela was born in Cape Town, I’m the last born of four siblings parents background from the beautiful province of the Eastern Cape in Alice, My background was very poor parents had to move to Cape Town where all four siblings born. All my primary education, higher education done here in Cape Town, while was at school developed love for Sport, now I’m applying that love for sport to the young kids in my community keep them out of trouble, we grow up with a lot of trouble in my community now trying to chase that away, to build bright future to the young people by involving them in sport education activities, sport and education goes together if you want to build better future for others. Coming from where I came from, hard work pays, I was offered a Learnership qualification which introduced me to corporate world quite extensively. Good written and verbal communication skills in at least two of three official languages of the Western Cape, problem-solving and conflict management with good planning and organizational skills, ability to handle information as confidential and good interpersonal skills, to contribute and become part of a successful organization that motivate its employees to utilize their skill and talent effectively and efficiently, the knowledge and skills which I acquired over that period of time equipped me for future positions. I am a hard-working individual, and eager to learn, I was recently employed due to Covid-19 company layoff some staff. I was employed as Accounts Controller at Tourvest Travel Service and this involves extensive client interaction. Deliver an effective admin support service to staff and clients, communicate with suppliers regarding outstandings, verbally, via mail and telephonically. I have highly knowledge of Tourism and Hospitality which I achieved through Theta, Tourism Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change, and I’m looking forward to be the part and the future of ZaGenie. Thank you…

 Listings /  Africa

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